Open Clinic Hours


  • 9:00am to 11:00am Monday through Friday
  • First-Come First-Served
  • Animals in distress will be triaged
  • Arrival times are determined by video surveillance
  • Bring proof of most recent Rabies Vaccination

What the Morning Looks Like

  • Our phones come off service at 8am. If you call before 8am, you will be speaking with a member of an on-call service group, not Hill Street Veterinary Hospital. This on-call service group cannot check your pet into our hospital. Please either call again at 8am, text us, or simply walk into the waiting room at 8am.
  • First-Come First-Served. Our parking lots are under 24-hour video and audio surveillance. Each morning we review the video footage to ensure that patients are seen in the order in which they arrived, not the ordered they were checked in.
  • You may check in by coming into the building or by phone/text.
  • If the waiting room becomes either too full, or too loud, we may ask you to continue to wait in your vehicle. If this occurs, a staff member will contact you when it is your turn to be seen.
  • You may opt to complete your visit Curbside. Please make this known to the staff and we will come to you when it is your turn.
  • We start to see the Open Clinic patients at 9am. The only patients taken back before 9am are here for surgery, medical drop-off, fasted bloodwork or they are being triaged to assess for critical care.
  • Parking is available in the front and in the back of the building. If the numbered spaces are full, you may also use the lot across the alley at Victor’s restaurant. Please do not block the driveway between our front and back lots and please do not park behind other client’s cars. Also, please note that the township prohibits parking on Hill Street. You will be ticketed if you attempt to park on Hill Street.


On occasion, the volume of patients who show up during these hours exceeds the amount of time we have available to provide the desired service. Once we hit a certain level of cases, or “capacity”, we start to turn people away for the day. If your pet is ill and should not wait another day to be seen, please come early (No later than 8am) to the Open Clinic hours to decrease the possibility of being transferred or another facility.

Open Clinic Hours


  • 9:00am to 11:00am Monday through Friday
  • First-Come First-Served
  • Animals in distress will be triaged
  • Arrival times are determined by video surveillance
  • Bring proof of most recent Rabies Vaccination

What the Morning Looks Like

  • Our phones come off service at 8am. If you call before 8am, you will be speaking with a member of an on-call service group, not Hill Street Veterinary Hospital. This on-call service group cannot check your pet into our hospital. Please either call again at 8am, text us, or simply walk into the waiting room at 8am.
  • First-Come First-Served. Our parking lots are under 24-hour video and audio surveillance. Each morning we review the video footage to ensure that patients are seen in the order in which they arrived, not the ordered they were checked in.
  • You may check in by coming into the building or by phone/text.
  • If the waiting room becomes either too full, or too loud, we may ask you to continue to wait in your vehicle. If this occurs, a staff member will contact you when it is your turn to be seen.
  • You may opt to complete your visit Curbside. Please make this known to the staff and we will come to you when it is your turn.
  • We start to see the Open Clinic patients at 9am. The only patients taken back before 9am are here for surgery, medical drop-off, fasted bloodwork or they are being triaged to assess for critical care.
  • Parking is available in the front and in the back of the building. If the numbered spaces are full, you may also use the lot across the alley at Victor’s restaurant. Please do not block the driveway between our front and back lots and please do not park behind other client’s cars. Also, please note that the township prohibits parking on Hill Street. You will be ticketed if you attempt to park on Hill Street.


On occasion, the volume of patients who show up during these hours exceeds the amount of time we have available to provide the desired service. Once we hit a certain level of cases, or “capacity”, we start to turn people away for the day. If your pet is ill and should not wait another day to be seen, please come early (No later than 8am) to the Open Clinic hours to decrease the possibility of being transferred or another facility.